Junior Golf Fitness: Time to burn off the holiday excess eating

Just as if it were a dream, the holidays just whizzed past and we have again our students from all around the world returning to Australia to train once again at AnK.

Even a minute of stretching in the yoga room and the room is heating up again to its full capacitous vigour. This semester is seeing coach Richard dividing up our players into basic-junior, intermediate-junior and senior athletes in order to provide clearer and more specific training schedules depending on where our players are at.

The senior athletes hit the gym and made full use of the facilities provided, concentrating not on heavier weights but a customised program for each player by coach Richard to improve each students golf-related weaknesses. Often these programs also keep in mind the young age of the athletes so as to not over-strain the body or disrupt their growth.

It’s been a while since we’ve had these players in to train, nice to see our veteran AnK players amongst some of our new junior players from Japan.

Let’s get back into it and get pumping guys and girls!