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Students will receive a body screen test with one of the three TPI Certified Trainers
The TPI Screen will determine the Golf Specific Program to improve Golf Fitness
TPI Screen

Club Check
A club check will be performed with a lie board and the FlightScope data
Versus Brain Training Neuro Assessment

Video Analysis
The student’s golf swing is to be videoed and recorded on the AnK V1 app prior to swing check
Skills Test
Shaping Skills Test to be preformed
Short Game Test to be preformed
AnK Combine Test to be preformed

Goal Setting
The student with the guidance of the coach is two set the Short, Medium and Long Term Goals
A Profile will be created and a log in to the AnK Website
The Student Profile will include a time line of each visit to the academy
Each report will be a detailed analysis from the coach
The report will include any assessments completed such as TPI Screen, Combine Test and the Versus Neuro Report

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